Home > Catalogo generale > > WHATfinder multiSCREEN 4-Plex kit RTqPCR recherche virus d’origine alimentaire [Hépatite A]/[Norovirus I]/[Norovirus II]/[IC] basé sur ISO15216

WHATfinder multiSCREEN 4-Plex kit RTqPCR recherche virus d’origine alimentaire [Hépatite A]/[Norovirus I]/[Norovirus II]/[IC] basé sur ISO15216

  • Format: 50 Tests
  • Code: PVW04A-50
  • Technologie: PCR en temps réel
  • Application: Virologie alimentaire
  • Tags / Filtre: Virologie Alimentaire

Norovirus (NoV tipo I e II) and Hepatitis A virus (HAV) represent an emerging problem for food safety. These foodborne viruses are insidious and few virions elicit a dangerous infection. Virions vitality persists till two weeks after shedding in the enviroment, thus largest part of the diagnosed infections results from consumption of water or contaminated food primarily mussels and clams, fresh vegetables and berries. PCR is the only technology detecting HAV and NoV and in 2013 an ISO norm for standardizing the experimental method was issued. This Real-Time kit detects and resolves the presence of HAV and NoV I-II in a single 3-Plex reaction, a very convenient tool to screen the samples using oligo sequences indicated in ISO15216. According to the norm, in order to validate an unknown sample as negative to a virus, it is necessary to monitor the recovery and detection yield through a specific process control: the kit shall then be used along with PVW05A-50 kit in compliance to ISO15216 indications.

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WHATfinder multiSCREEN 4-Plex kit RTqPCR recherche virus d’origine alimentaire [Hépatite A]/[Norovirus I]/[Norovirus II]/[IC] basé sur ISO15216
  • Format: 50 Tests
  • Code: PVW04A-50
  • Technologie: PCR en temps réel
  • Application: Virologie alimentaire
  • Tags / Filtre: Virologie Alimentaire

    *Les champs marqués d'un astérisque sont obligatoires

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