VETfinder Real-Time PCR kit for validation of environmental viral detection experiments (FCV)
- Format: 50 Tests
- Code: PMB19A-50
- Technologie: PCR en temps réel
- Application: Virologie alimentaire
- Tags / Filtre:
The epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 gave a new impulse to environmental microbiology. Virus can be highly infective and few viral particles might elicit dangerous infections. Virus moreover can persist and keep their infectivity for many days after shedding in the environment. Real-Time PCR is the gold standard method for detecting viruses in environmental (swabs, sewage, aerosols) and food samples. Whatever is the virus to detect, the process of virions collection and concentration is the most critical experimental step to validate. This kit uses the detection of a surrogate virus (FCV) as a tool to perform a process validation according to ISO15216. The kit detects also a synthetic extraction control (Intype IC-RNA from INDICAL) and thus can be used either for the process validation and for the routine process control. The kit includes: a 2-plex oligo mix deteting FCV (FAM) and Intype (HEX) - a prime quality one-step RTqPCR mastermix - a titrated FCV solution to perform the study of spike/recovery.
- Format: 50 Tests
- Code: PMB19A-50
- Technologie: PCR en temps réel
- Application: Virologie alimentaire
- Tags / Filtre: