SPECIALfinder DigIT Peanut (Arachide) Acc. To DIN CEN|TS 15634-4 Assay
- Format: 0.04 micromoles
- Code: DAV02K-CEN
- Technologie: PCR en temps réel
- Application: Détection des allergènes alimentaires
- Tags / Filtre: Arachide
SPECIALfinder DigIT are Primer/Probe (FAM) sets detecting genes present in single copy in the target allergen genome. The sets when coupled to an appropriate mastermix can be used to perform qPCR detection or Digital PCR detection (various platforms) in accordance with the indications of CEN/TS 15634-1.
- Format: 0.04 micromoles
- Code: DAV02K-CEN
- Technologie: PCR en temps réel
- Application: Détection des allergènes alimentaires
- Tags / Filtre: Arachide